We rely on volunteers to help build trails, steward land, and much more. There are many ways to volunteer:

Trail work.  We are always looking for extra hands to help build new trails and keep existing trails in good shape. Tasks may include, but are not limited to, root clipping, rock work, tree cutting, brush hauling, and trail shaping.  We also hold several trail work events throughout the summer. For full day events, Inland Woods + Trails will provide snacks and refreshments. Keep an eye out on social media and our Events page.

Adopt A Trail. Do you hike the Summit Ridge Trail every week in the summer, or ride Helix bike trail regularly at lunch time? We are looking for people who often visit a particular trail and would like to help us keep it in good shape. The main responsibility of an adopter is to let us know the condition of the trail: was a bridge washed out by a flood? Is there a big mud puddle on the trail? Did a huge tree fall while no one was looking? We’d love to here about it so we can make a plan to fix up your favorite trail. If you want to do more, then we can arrange to meet you so you can help, or if you have the skills, we can loan you some tools and materials. Every spring we look for volunteers to hike the trails, some folks will leaf blow a bike trail for us, and if we have specific work we are doing on your trail, you can come and help.

Learn more about Adopt A Trail

Ready to jump in and help? Please fill out the “Contact Me” form. Let us know if you’d like to help out and we’ll find a place for you!

Thank you!

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